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Thursday, March 10, 2011

CheatGamez Repack V2 [Croshair + SpeedHack + Fire Speed + Pasang Bom 0 Detik]

Released : 10/03/2011
Creator :
[¤] RFB A.k.a KhaZy They HonoLuLu
Greetz to :
[¤] All Team CheatGamez.Us
Archive Type : Winrar
Game Target : Point Blank
Anti-Cheat : AhnLab HackShield Pro
Type : Trainer / Cheat
Cheat/Trainer Effect :
[¤] No Recoil
[¤] Crosshair
[¤] Speed Hack On :Arah Atas  [BETA]
[¤] Speed Hack Off :Arah Bawah [BETA]
Cara pemakaian :
[-] BT/DC Tergantung cara anda dan harus menggunakan timing !!
Tested : Windows XP SP 2 60 Minutes Not BT
Tutor Speed Hack [Beta]
-Tekan Arah Atas On Speed
-Tekan Arah Bawah Off Speed
-Semua Sudah ane Satukan di Dll nya tinggal Happy aja
-Biar Ga [Exit Game] Pemakaian nya Jangan terlalu Lama
-Sekitar 10 Detik Off kan 10 Detik On kan Dan Seterus nya
-q sarani Jangan Bermain di Map Dead Mach mending Di Bom mission Tar BT kalo main DM.
Tutor No Recoil
- Jalankan Anti Recoil
- Klick icon yang ada di taskbar bawah kanan di dekstop
- No Recoil Sama Crosshair Ganti Jadi Angka 1
- Pass di Rom pencet F11
- Kalo selesai Maennya Pencet F11
Cara Agar Tidak Patah² Mengunakan No Recoilcba setting PB kamu...
cba setting PB kamu...
Dengan cara :
Login PB > Klik Icon Kunci or SETTING > Klik Minimumkan Bla bla bla > Logout > Login lagi...
No Recoil Work Dengan mengunakan Senjata Mp7

ALL Hack - Spion - Hack Title

[*] Cheat Effect :
[*] ALL Hack                 = End
[*] Spion Mode               = F1
[*] Chara hack + Black Bared = Insert
[*] Remove Char Hack        = Delete
[*] Title Hack + Use Title   = F5 [Effect terasa]
[*] Reset Title              = F6
[*]Gunakan Char Hacks
[*]Masuk Room
[*]Tekan Insert
[*]Saat loading Map tekan Insert lagi
[*]Saat Baru Main /Respawn tekan Delete
Apabila Besuk terdeteksi HackShield Silahkan gunakan Cara Di Bawah Ini :
[*] menggunakan Flhasdisk :
[*] Bukan Flash DIsK
[*] lalu Extrack F2F_New Updated Fullhack Di Dalam Flash Disk Itu
[*] Buka Pb
[*] Buka Cheat Yg Tad Di Extrack
[*] Start
[*] Lalu CabuT Flash Disk
[*] menggunakan LockBox :
[*] Istal Lockbox
[*] Buka Lockbox
[*] Extrack F2F_New Updated Fullhack Di Dalam LockBox
[*] Buka PB
[*] Buka F2F_New Updated Fullhack Yg Tadi Di ExtracK
[*] Start Pb
[*] Keluar Nocatice
[*] Pencet Tanda Baca Lock
[*] NB : Setelah pencet Tanda Baca LOCK Exit Kan
Lock Box tersebut

Hack Char dan Masmed Hack

[-]Buka PB lancher
[-]Buka F2F_Special hack Char + masmed Hack.exe
[-]Start PB
[-]Tekan Inject
[*]Char Hack+Baret GM         = F1
[*]Char Hack+Baret SG         = F2
[*]Char Hack+Baret Assalut    = F3
[*]Char Hack+Baret Awp        = F4
[*]Char Hack+Baret SMG        = F5
[*]Char Hack+Baret Secondary  = F6
[*]Reset Char Hack And Baret  = DELETE
[*]Masmed Hacks = Panah Atas
[*]Exp Card     = Panah Bawah
[*]Spion Mode   = F11
[*]Exit PB      = Pause Break
 Cara Pakai Baret + Char Hacks

[*]Masuk Room
[*]Tekan F2 [Baret SG]
[*]Ketika Saat Loading Map tekan f2 Kembali
[*]Ketika baru respawn [Saat Muncul Tulisan "Game Sedang Di Persiapkan"]Tekan DELETE
Untuk Spion Hack Aktifin Saat Sedang mempersaipkan Game[Baru pertama masuk] ataupun Di Room....

WallHack - Chams - Crosshair - No Smoke

    * Wallhack
    * Chams
    * Crosshair
    * No Smoke
   1. Download the attachment.
   2. Extract hack anywhere.
   3. Start MPGHInjector.exe
   4. Start Project Blackout
   5. If the hack was injected correctly, you should see a message at the top left hand part of you screen.
   6. Press INSERT or DELETE to access the menu.
Notice, this file has been packed with THEMIDA. Your antivirus may not like it, so if there is a problem with your antivirus deleting it or not allowing you to download the file, disable your antivirus while using this hack. (For example NOD32 won't let me download my own hack )
Troubleshooting (If you get errors OR it doesn't work):
    * Run Windows Update, ensure your computer is FULLY UPDATED
    * Ensure your process is correct in settings.ini (PBlackout.exe or PBLACK~1.EXE)
    * Disable your antivirus.
    * Try a different injector.
    * Download and Install the .net Framework.
    * Download and Install the latest version of DirectX: 

    * Run the hack as admin.
If you are having problems, please post the full steps you took. Also include: What antivirus you have; Is it disabled. Are you running in administrator mode. Do you have UAC disabled. What OS you have. Did you try the steps outlined above.
02/17/11 - Fixed an issue with compatibility/fullscreen. Included the D3D9 library incase you are too lazy to update D3D. Fixed the issue with not doing anything when injected to "PointBlank".
02/16/11 - Fixes chammed maps. Fixed issue with comparability, thanks to AVGN. I've localized the problem, added crosshair customization and made it compatible with other versions of PB.
02/24/11 - Updated for new update + maps. Added no smoke.
02/25/11 - Old hack is detected.
02/28/11 - Old hack is detected.
03/02/11 - According to some testers, I've fixed the compatibility issue in this hack.
03/05/11 - Old hack is detected. Updated injector.
03/08/11 - Old hack is detected.
 Known Issues:
Alt+tab = crash.
Injector sucks at injecting.
Credit By [MPGH]Dave84311

Hack Char - Spion

F1 = Char hack And Beret GM
F2 = Char hack And Beret SG
F3 = Char hack And Beret Assault
F4 = Char hack And Beret AWP
F5 = Char hack And Beret SMG
F6 = Char hack And Beret Secondary
DELETE = RESET Char Hack And Beret
Spion Hack = F11Exit Pb = Pause break
Tutor Penggunaan Jika Anda Memakai Lockbox :
1. Extract Cheat Ke Lockbox
2. Buka PB Check Dulu Gan ....
3. Buka Injector Lalu Start PB ....
4. Klik Select Dll For Inject , Cari Dll Nya !!
5. Klik Inject Now Keluar Notice Dan Link yang mengarahkan ke FB Ku !!!
6. Jangan Dulu OK Notice Nya And Close Mozila/Sbg Nya ...
7. Lock And Quit Dulu Lockboxnya Baru Di Ok Notice Dan Di Close Mozilanya [Add Dulu Fb Gue Yach ^_^]
8. Resume ... "HAPPY CHEATING
Tutor Penggunaan Jika Anda Memakai FD :
1. Ectract Cheat Ke FD
2. Buka PB Check Dulu Gan ....
3. Buka Injector Lalu Start PB
4. Klik Select Dll For Inject , Cari Dll Nya !!
5. Klik Inject Now Keluar Notice Dan Link Yang Mengarahkan ke FB Ku !!!
6. Jangan Dulu OK Notice Nya And Close Mozila/Sbg Nya ...
7. Langsung Lepas FD Dan OK Notice Nya And Close Mozilanya [Add Dulu FB Gue Yach ^_^]
8. Resume ... "Happy Cheating"
Jika Anda Masih Mengalami BT :
- Bersihkan Registry Dengan CCLEANER
Cara Pengunaan Char Hacks and  Beret ;
Pass Diloby Tekan Hotkey Lalu Klik Char Agan lalu star dan OFF Kan Pas Sedang Mempersiapkan Game
Untuk Spion Aktifkan Pass Sedang Mempersiapkan game Ok Kalo ga Di jamin DC
khusus Spion Hack Bisanya Di Publik Sever
- Buat yang pengen minjem DLL Silahkan Saja !!
Tapi jangan lupa Credit Nya ...
- Tested WINDOWS XP 2 JAM NO BT !!!